
Book Clubs

For my Good Reads Cozy reads book club we are doing Dick Francis this month. I already read "Banker" and checked out "Shattered" from the library today. I had never heard nor read any by this author and had no idea he wrote a slew of "cozy" mysteries. I really liked "Banker." Was not super suspenseful but written with real eloquence.

For amazon book club I am supposed to be reading " Bruno Chief of Police." by an author with the last name of Walker. This is new author for me also. Unfortunately the Library did not have it. I have had it ordered for a couple weeks and still no show. I was supposed to have read it for discussion by the firsrt. I may not get to do this one. I am disapointed. the posts I have been reading sound interesting concerning said book.

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About the creator of this blog.

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Springfield, Missouri, United States
Love dipping my mind, hands and feet into about anything that is pure clean and crisp. 5 kids, some out of the nest and married, some at home. Live on a small rural farm with 2 dogs: one poodle and one boogle. 17 chickens so far, but eggs are setting. One guinea fowl. 2 adorable pekin ducks. 1 beautiful goose and a pond load of fish. But my name is not Old McDonald. Married for 26 years to my sweetheart.