
Balanced on a Tightrope: Hospital B

Balanced on a Tightrope: Hospital B: 4 hours in an emergency waiting room ( If some one was serious about harming themselves or any one else there were needles and a lot of othe...

Part B of my hospital experience done against my own will  for bipolar on my sister blog. follow link to read. Thanks.

stranded in a bookstore with a bible, an MP3 and a missing person poster.: Book review from Good Reads

stranded in a bookstore with a bible, an MP3 and a missing person poster.: Book review from Good Reads:   Anna's Book by Barbara Vine , Ruth Rendell   While stranded in a bookstore I found this lovely book 2nd hand. My review o...

Read my review of a book  from my sister book blog and off of Good Reads.

Kolors of Kreativity,Krafting and Design: Upcycling Plastic Bottles.

Kolors of Kreativity,Krafting and Design: Upcycling Plastic Bottles.: Great ideas found here : Under the Table and Dreaming for leftover plastic bottles. I am planning on doing the bracelet ones. It may be awh...

Blog from sister site. Another 4th of July project  we did: Bubble Snakes


Kolors of Kreativity,Krafting and Design: 4th of July Kid's Fun Projects

Kolors of Kreativity,Krafting and Design: 4th of July Kid's Fun Projects: We did this for the 4th in place of fireworks this year since the heat here in the mid west was so bad you were not allowed to purchase. T...

A follow up from 4th of July post from my sister blog.


The Small Things Blog: hair tutorials

The Small Things Blog: hair tutorials: The Hair Tutorials that you can find on this blog: (scroll to bottom for most recent tutorial!) Make sure to check out my YouTube page ...

You will never need another hairstyle page here if you have medium length hair. Any style for about any hair. Even with my straight medium hair there are several on her I could work.  I am refusing to covet this hair, these styles an her photogenic manner. I may try a few though.


Favorite things Letter L

Light   So much so I must have curtains open.
Lion of Tribe of Judah and lamb
The Lord of my heart
Continuing in favorites posts with letter L: caption

Queen Ann's Lace
Can purchase the dress above.  I heart it.
        Lace in a cute wedding dress, on a flower or even on anything in the house. Lo  

A few lace items on above link.

Get to the Subject

About the creator of this blog.

My photo
Springfield, Missouri, United States
Love dipping my mind, hands and feet into about anything that is pure clean and crisp. 5 kids, some out of the nest and married, some at home. Live on a small rural farm with 2 dogs: one poodle and one boogle. 17 chickens so far, but eggs are setting. One guinea fowl. 2 adorable pekin ducks. 1 beautiful goose and a pond load of fish. But my name is not Old McDonald. Married for 26 years to my sweetheart.