
Balanced on a Tightrope: How Much do you know about Bipolar?

Balanced on a Tightrope: How Much do you know about Bipolar?: A fun quiz to learn and test your knowledge of bipolar

Bipolar Quiz

Scarey food

Just a slight rant. First we looked at labels to see calories and ingredients. Now it is to see where out products are from.!!!! I am horrified to find Muslim countries, dirty countries without restrictions in Asia. are listed making out food products.Where is the FDA? And our government claims to be trying to make jobs. The Chinese pet food scandal a few years ago. I love my pets, but what is being put in our people  stuff? How is it prepared? Evil. For human consumption.Better pray over this food. I am not able to get the more expensive brands like I used to and I have not noticed , but maybe they are being made there also. Scarey, I know I am not supposed to fear anyone but God, but my kids are so spoiled and I am too. I do not believe Christian will go through the tribulation, but this country will fall and we  have never needed food or basics. I like my chocolate. Fear which is getting in the way of God. I just know what he has allowed many to endure, even them that call upon him in truth. I am extremely in the depression mode and fearful. many may think this is wrong, but it would be easier w/out worrying about my children- I hurt and have a broken heart just with stupid things they do. I am grieved to think how it might be with watching them hungry out out in the winter. May God have mercy. I should not be here in this verse (though this is great Tribulation) :Luke 21:26  Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Fear,.


stranded in a bookstore with a bible, an MP3 and a missing person poster.: Awe the boombox-more like ipod

stranded in a bookstore with a bible, an MP3 and a missing person poster.: Awe the boombox-more like ipod: When "stranded in a bookstore", you are apt to see others with headphones on. and most book stores carry music and these things called ...

Great Christian song list.

Balanced on a Tightrope: Depression- Medicines

Balanced on a Tightrope: Depression- Medicines: One thing I really get tired of is people giving advice when they are not in your house, have not lived your life and just plain do not know...

Bipolar Blast blog on brother site: Medication, medical people and depression,: connections and struggles.

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About the creator of this blog.

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Springfield, Missouri, United States
Love dipping my mind, hands and feet into about anything that is pure clean and crisp. 5 kids, some out of the nest and married, some at home. Live on a small rural farm with 2 dogs: one poodle and one boogle. 17 chickens so far, but eggs are setting. One guinea fowl. 2 adorable pekin ducks. 1 beautiful goose and a pond load of fish. But my name is not Old McDonald. Married for 26 years to my sweetheart.