This is just a short article on what is happening in middle east with Egypt. Remember Egypt in the news and government changes a few months back I never knew much of what it was about, but just knew it always points to God getting closer. It is prophecy. I just can never study everything like I would like to. Never nailed down whether this stuff going on over there was good or bad news. But the middle east is where it is at for prophecy.
I get Dave Hunt's snippets for Berean Call. I also take his news letter which is wonderful to know what Satan is dishing out in every nook and cranny of this fallen planet. I like to stay up to date, but the error is moving so quickly, no way to keep up with it all. God is my tower of strength through His spirit and His word. I John 4:1 is the verse commanding to test the spirits. Also prove all things in 1 Thessalonians 5:21. A lot of false stuff was being pushed on the church there so what Paul gave them really fits today. Also Romans 12: 1-2. Very important verses to be in God's will and not get mixed up in error- many more-, I do not have time to lay out now. I get excited and horrified by the "last days" we are living in, but current events really excite me. Not a time to be idle, but praying and witnessing fervently.
Any way, I started to write another bipolar message, but am having such depression and anxiety-which goes with that -that I was not able to concentrate on that at all. I had this link already saved to blog someday. soon. Today is that day. I will share this with you. Hope fully tomorrow can pick it up on the bipolar or at least one of my other series.