
Homophone for Today

ad(n) The ad for the necklace caught my eye.

add(v) My son likes to add numbers for fun.


Having to Eat

I absolutely dislike that I have to eat. I have so many other things I would rather spend time doing and it interrupts time doing them. depends on my mood I guess, but most of the time it is just something I have to do.


Thoughts on an Atheist

The reason an atheist can't find God is the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman.


Write Down those Goals

If you do not write down your goals , they are just wishes. They will slip through your fingers, becoming figments of what could have been.

Get to the Subject

About the creator of this blog.

My photo
Springfield, Missouri, United States
Love dipping my mind, hands and feet into about anything that is pure clean and crisp. 5 kids, some out of the nest and married, some at home. Live on a small rural farm with 2 dogs: one poodle and one boogle. 17 chickens so far, but eggs are setting. One guinea fowl. 2 adorable pekin ducks. 1 beautiful goose and a pond load of fish. But my name is not Old McDonald. Married for 26 years to my sweetheart.