- I have tried "help" on blogger and even Googled what has happened to the " follow" button on every blog I try to "follow" on here. I do not know what I am doing wrong and can find no answers. Has it changed with the new blog changes? You used to -if you had a blogger blog account- hit "follow" to follow a blog easily. Now I cannot find this spot on any blog on here. FRUSTRATING.
- My daughter was screaming in pain Saturday and acting like she was in labor. She has PCOS, ( I will include a link on this condition which I diagnosed myself to DR, much to their chagrin, if you want to read up on this condition.) ,but never this bad of symptoms. Finally at the hospital, with a cat scan, she was found to have a base ball sized cyst on one fallopian tube. This is another story I do not want to go into here, but she was born with a deformity that somehow when she formed in the womb -(she was my hardest pregnancy and I wonder if it may have been indication)When the baby she was ,was forming and sex was determined by xx chromosome, what would have been xy as a male and cause the drop of sex organs did not completely eradicate and she ended up with a tiny bit of male formation on one fallopian tube. This caused a cyst to form and it lay like a pearl in an oyster shell until puberty where hormones kicked in and caused the pearl to grow until as happened this past weekend it became so heavy it twisted her tube inside out and around which as with an oyster became so irritating and painful, she had to be operated on as an emergency. She is now recovering from the operation this past Sunday night and I for one am looking forward to her being free of all the pain and stuff she has suffered from that cyst draining her life. It had brought on false diabetes, made her gain weight even when she ate right, made her sluggish, etc.
- Following #2: I saw a story similar with some guy that went in for a cat scan and he was a male. He also had some female parts that had not dissolved and now he is messed up if he is male or female. My daughter is female. He is male. I will go by the bible even in this sin cursed world where things do not always turn out perfect as we would like. this is a subject it is not easy to talk about, but to me whatever parts are on the outside of the body is the determining factor, not alittle piece from some genetic twist in the interior.
- And speaking of genetics. My mom gave me magazine subscriptions -of which I do read some of the articles (though I do not really care that much for the whole magazine) Really heart breaking but triumphant story of a mom who had twins 8 years ago. I read this before the happening with my daughter, but I am so thankful that even though this is hard and I do not understand God's ways at all, I am not dealing with the no cure disease this family discovered their 2 little girl's had. Only 500 cases int the whole world and her fight to save these girls. Which is still going on as they search for a cure for an extremely rare disorder. I will add link here also, If you care to read more.
- All the points above are depressing-at least to me. Also the 25th was missing children's day, which is a big passion of mine (missing people) Perhaps you read or heard of Etan Pratz who the day was started from. He disappeared at 6 Yrs. of age walking to school on morning. They now have a confession, after 33 years are trying to find his skeleton since the confessor said he put the body in a garbage bin. I also read about a 4 year ordeal of 2 missing kids reunited with their mom. Both are answers to prayer. At the same time , I find it hard not to be sad by the evil surrounding this world. Glad to have prayers for these answered, but cannot wait for the "real answer" to come back (Jesus)and stop this stuff from happening ever again.
- ON an upside note, I am drying flowers from Mother's day and my daughter's high school graduation to make flower beads out of. I will post a link on that. I have made beads from roses way back and they still smell like a fresh rose- though they look like a black cyst. lol This will be a way to keep the flowers and since I am using other types than roses will probaly add rose fragrance to the paste I make the beads with.
- My gardens are looking lovely and there are so many butterflies in my yard. That with the new baby chickens and so may birds, my heart soars. I saw a beautiful garden sparkler on Pinterest via Etsy that I am going to try to duplicate after I get off here. Will link a picture of it also.
- I could add more, but I think this is enough for one post. I will do a follow up post with links and pictures.
I pinch of this, a KICK of that that is what this little BLOG is made of. My life in the poetry of music. Kaleidoscope of images and colors .POTPOURRI of my likes and dislikes. Finding adventure to read and FOLLOW. WISDOM in writing. A friend forever. This is my blog.
This and That.
Had several things in mind to post and could not focus so I thought I would just say a few things going on at the moment.
The Rambling Content
blog button,
missing children,
rare diseases
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About the creator of this blog.

- Blogging with Adventure
- Springfield, Missouri, United States
- Love dipping my mind, hands and feet into about anything that is pure clean and crisp. 5 kids, some out of the nest and married, some at home. Live on a small rural farm with 2 dogs: one poodle and one boogle. 17 chickens so far, but eggs are setting. One guinea fowl. 2 adorable pekin ducks. 1 beautiful goose and a pond load of fish. But my name is not Old McDonald. Married for 26 years to my sweetheart.